Saturday, September 24, 2011

Remembering Russ Jolley - Friend of the Gorge

Russ Jolley's obituary
I never met Russ Jolley, who recently passed away at age 88, but his book, Wildflowers of the Columbia Gorge, led me to a Botany class and the incorporation of wildflower walks into the curriculum of Environmental Science classes.  These two photos are from the Twin Tunnels trail between Mosier and Hood River.  Russ Jolley valued environmental education and worked hard to restore and preserve the Columbia River Gorge.  Thank you, Mr. Jolley!  A few of my favorite flowers and Gorge destinations are pictured below.
Spring 2007 - Twin Tunnels trail

Grass Widows - Olsynium douglasii
An early spring flower in the Eastern Gorge.

Two kinds of desert parsley

A host of Common Camas - Camassia quamash at Bridalveil

The rare Calypso Orchid - Calypso bulbosa

Balsamroot - Balsamorhiza deltoidea

Field trip to the top of Dog Mountain in May 2009

Achlys triphylla known as Vanilla-leaf and Deer Foot, and used by the Saanich people of Vancouver Island as an insect repellent.
Disporum hookeri - Hooker's fairybell

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