Friday, September 16, 2011

Multnomah Falls (I-84 East to Exit 31)

 On a grey day in September, Arrow, Mr Thornsby and I went to Multnomah Falls.  One of Oregon's most popular tourist destinations, on this cool weekday, it was not crowded.  On hot summer weekends, the parking lots can be full.  The two tiers of the falls add up to 611 feet, the second tallest falls in North America.  The land was donated to the State of Oregon by Simon Benson (of Benson Hotel fame).  The trail to the top of the falls is something over 1 mile.
 These animal-proof trash cans were recently installed along the lower part of the trail.  You have to reach inside the small box and pull down
a lever, then the whole cover opens like a backwards book.  Will the local raccoons figure it out?
Mr. Thornsby is not amused.
 The upper falls -

A big chunk of rock broke off the rock wall about here several years ago, disrupting a wedding party on the bridge below. (Gravity - it's not just a good idea, it's the law!)

 As you head up the trail, these signs appear telling you how many switchbacks to go.  I'm not sure that this is a helpful thing.

 When you get past the 11th switchback, and turn left you finally leave the paved path and can access the creek where your dog can get a drink and there are many good spots for picnics.
Staying on the paved path at the top brings you to this dizzying view

And this view of the parking lot below

A lovely small plunge pool right above the top of the falls

 The top of the falls area has this fenced in platform to keep you  and your friends safe.

The Lodge serves all meals, and also has a snack bar, gift shop and Forest Service information center.
Multnomah Falls Lodge, built in 1925
A native scorpion, found on the trail in May of 2009

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