Friday, May 13, 2011

Latourell Falls

A few miles East of Corbett, Oregon on the Scenic Highway
 Latourell Falls, like several other state parks in the Gorge, was donated to the state of Oregon by a wealthy landowner, AKA "robber baron".  Thank you, Mr. Talbot.  What was "The Birthday Club"?  Latourell Falls is my "most often hiked" in the Gorge because it is close to home, about 2 miles in a loop, beautiful, and mostly because most visitors only walk about 50 feet from the parking lot, take a picture and leave the trail uncrowded even on a hot summer weekend.  We went today, because we may never have a hot summer weekend this year.
 (it did rain this afternoon)

 Margaret Henderson opened the Falls Chalet in 1914, one of many roadhouses found along the Scenic Highway in the past.  Most, including this one, are long gone.

Mr. Thornsby in front of the Falls, with Fringecup and Bleeding Heart - native wildflowers

Fairy Bells hanging over Maidenhair Fern

 There are some big trees along the trail here - Arrow poses for scale by a  Douglas Fir.

The trail goes right next to the upper Falls.

It's always good to hang out at the bottom of a waterfall.
This trail is always cool and shady as it goes through a narrow canyon made by the creek.  You can see that moss is happy here.  In the winter the trail can be muddy and slippery.

A small diurnal moth, Rheumaptera subhastata, sat on the trail

 Western Baneberry - the name tells you that the    berries are toxic.

Another poisonous beauty - Larkspur - is finally blooming here

Latourell Falls again

A bonus - on the way home, a Turkey Vulture contemplates a dead mole in the road.

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