Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Elowah Falls and a Tiger

A Tiger Salamander that is, under my barn door in Corbett
To get to Elowah Falls -
 Drive East on I-84 to exit 35.  Turn left after you exit, stay on the frontage road for about 2.5 miles, until you see the sign for John B Yeon State Park, pull into small parking lot. Go up the trail a short distance, when you see this sign, turn left to go to Elowah Falls.  John B. Yeon made money cutting trees back in the day and built the Yeon Building in downtown Portland.  He was famous for being the Roadmaster of the Columbia River Scenic Highway, a job he did for almost no pay for 5 years.  In 1935, several years after his death, the park was dedicated to him.

 Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal is blooming now - it loves shady places in the forest, as do the ferns below.  Will the real Solomon's Seal please stand up?

 A rare sight below - the Calypso Orchid

Scouler's valerian was all along the trail.

 The lower falls - high flow today.
The bridge was quite slippery with all the spray

I got soaked here
McCord Creek from the base of the falls

Large pizza at the Pacific Crest Pub in Cascade Locks

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