Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area!

 The 25 trails challenge was part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.  There were celebrations in Portland and Hood River, Oregon.  Half of the 25 trails were on private land before the Scenic Area Act was passed.  The legislation made it easier for land to be purchased for public use.  Long may it live!

 As one of two 25 Trails finishers who live in East Multnomah County,  I was interviewed for an article that was published in The Gresham Outlook 11/16/11.  It was almost all good, except for one error I would like to correct here.  The article stated that the unofficial mascot of the Reynolds Natural Resources Academy was a unicorn corkscrew.  Link to The Gresham Outlook  

As you can see from this tee shirt, which was made and sold in the spring of 2009 as a fundraiser
for a student rafting trip, the mascot was a unicorn, not a unicorn corkscrew.  The unicorn corkscrew I
purchased in 2011 and used as a model to take pictures of while on the 25 trails.  The corkscrew has no connection with the Reynolds Natural Resources Academy (which, sadly,  no longer exists).

Here is a picture from that rafting trip down the Sandy River in May of 2009.  We learned about Wild and Scenic Rivers, leave no trace camping, riparian ecology, hydrology, rafting skills, and teamwork.  It is unfortunate that students are unable to experience this now. 

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