Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cape Horn - on the Washington side

 Despite the warning below, fires in the Gorge have not been frequent, but the potential is increasing.

More and more, people are using the phrase "more and more"

There is much you can do around your home for fire safety

 We went to Cape Horn on June 19.  From Portland, take I-205 North to Washington SR 14, go East on SR 14 to milepost 26.  Turn left on Salmon Falls Road turn right into the park and ride.  Part of this loop is closed for Peregrine Falcon nesting from February 1 - July 15 (they need space).
There are some big trees along the trail

 I am not sure why a metal pipe is embedded in this tree - not really a good thing for the tree.
 A view from the road - snow on the ridge tops in June!
 Beacon Rock and Bonneville Dam are visible on the left

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