Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wet Day at Wahclella

Despite the wet, we went out to Wahclella Falls trail, a short but scenic hike - 4th out of 25 hikes on the list.  Located at exit 40 on I-84 East (the Bonneville Dam exit).

The hike takes you beside Tanner Creek which flows into the Columbia River.  Not far from the mouth of the creek is this dam, where there is a water intake for the hatchery at Bonneville Dam.  My anonymous partner walks Pixel and Arrow up the trail.

Of course there are wildflowers here

 and waterfalls within reach

The base of Wahclella Falls
Arrow wants us to admire his profile, too

After the walk, we found a record of Woody Guthrie's at . . .

. . . the Pacific Crest Pub in Cascade Locks

 They have a hearty pizza and hamburger menu at the pub which is also a hostel popular with hikers.  Since we hadn't been on the Pacific Crest Trail for days, we just had an sausage appetizer.
Canada Geese grazing in Cascade Locks

The old locks are mostly underwater now, since Bonneville Dam was built (roll on, Columbia, roll on)

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