Sunday, December 11, 2016

Ice Storm December 2016

Starting on Thursday December 8, this was the scene on Friday morning. 

Ice continued to build up as the temperature stayed just below freezing through Friday.  Of course, we lost power on Thursday afternoon through evening, and again Friday night through Sunday at 1:30am.  We even lost power to our telephone landline Friday night through Saturday.  And it is not possible to go online and see a map of where the power outage is (as the Portland General Electric phone message suggests) because when we have no electric power here, we have no cell phone service and no internet connection (just venting a bit).

Saturday morning the sun came out and the temperature began to rise.  Lots of broken branches and ice chunks crashing to the ground.

 A Great Blue Heron visited the neighbor's field.
 And Deagan got a chance to stretch his legs as the ice started to melt. 

 Close up of the ice-encrusted grass.

Sun starts to set on Saturday -