Saturday, February 7, 2015

Spring is Here!

After a mild, dry,  but windy winter, Spring has arrived in the Columbia River Gorge.  I found these Grass Widows at Mayer State Park near The Dalles on January 31, 2015.  (I wrote the haiku)

And on February 2, a Red-Winged Blackbird showed up at the feeder, singing his signature territorial display song.  We have lived in the Gorge since 1997, and every year a single male Red-Winged Blackbird has shown up in February (it can't be the same guy for so many years in a row), announcing his presence loudly.  Females do not show up for several weeks, but he sings just the same.

I am ready for this year's challenge from the Friends of the Columbia Gorge -

This year, the challenge is varied, featuring activities as well as hikes.   Activities include supporting local Gorge businesses, participating in a stewardship work party, finding wildflowers, and more.  Love it!  The Challenge officially starts March 15 - stay tuned for more!