Sunday, November 1, 2015

Down Deverell Road

November 1, 2015

We got some sunbreaks this afternoon
along with some much needed rain.

Deverell Road runs between Loudon Road and Larch Mountain Road in Corbett, Oregon.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Spring is Here!

After a mild, dry,  but windy winter, Spring has arrived in the Columbia River Gorge.  I found these Grass Widows at Mayer State Park near The Dalles on January 31, 2015.  (I wrote the haiku)

And on February 2, a Red-Winged Blackbird showed up at the feeder, singing his signature territorial display song.  We have lived in the Gorge since 1997, and every year a single male Red-Winged Blackbird has shown up in February (it can't be the same guy for so many years in a row), announcing his presence loudly.  Females do not show up for several weeks, but he sings just the same.

I am ready for this year's challenge from the Friends of the Columbia Gorge -

This year, the challenge is varied, featuring activities as well as hikes.   Activities include supporting local Gorge businesses, participating in a stewardship work party, finding wildflowers, and more.  Love it!  The Challenge officially starts March 15 - stay tuned for more!